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Kieran West Headshot


Dr Kieran West, MBE


Dr Kieran West MBE joined Elsevier in April 2024, bringing extensive experience in healthcare, retail, consumer goods and pharmaceuticals across international markets.

Prior to Elsevier, Kieran served as Strategy Director at Bupa Global and UK, a leading healthcare provider and insurer, where he was instrumental in shaping the company's strategic direction. Previously, he was an Associate Partner at McKinsey, where he advised both domestic and global companies on achieving commercial success. Earlier in his career, he taught mathematics at King’s College School, UK.

Kieran holds a PhD in History from the University of Cambridge, an MA in War Studies from King’s College London, and a PGCE degree in Mathematics.

Kieran is a world champion rower and Olympic gold-medallist, having won in the Men’s Eights in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

In his role, Kieran works across all areas of the company to develop and drive global strategic plans, including business development initiatives. He is based in London.