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10 years of strategic insights

2014 saw the global launch of SciVal, combining the best parts of SciVal Spotlight and SciVal Strata into a product that, a decade later, is used by thousands of university professionals around the world.

Diverse professional sitting at a conference table
Old SciVal logo compared to new SciVal 10 logo

In our customer's words

One thing that kept coming back, was the impact our Customer Consultants had on our customers, delivering training and guidance on SciVal and its underlying data and metrics.

I remember a series of seminars at one of our departments, where Zsofi Buttel (a SciVal Customer Consultant), was doing part of the teaching in the seminars. We had seminars like 'Boost your researcher profile' and sessions more directed to research groups where SciVal was a part. I think these seminars made a very positive impact at the way we work with these fields at Aalborg University.

—Poul Meier Melchiorsen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Poul Meier Melchiorsen  Aalborg University, Denmark

My first experience of SciVal was a very intense full day, one on one training session with Matt Walker (a SciVal Customer Consultant), when I started as the University’s first Research Publications Adviser in early 2016. I remember leaving the training absolutely exhausted, but rather excited by the possibilities of SciVal. 

At one event in Amsterdam, I presented on how to onboard SciVal at your institution. The talk went well, but the locker holding my passport and bag wouldn’t open— the staff at the venue had to hacksaw their way into the brand-new museum locker to open it. This was only an hour or so before my flight check in time and was rather stressful! It didn’t put me off using SciVal though.

—Karen Rowlett, PhD, University of Reading Library, UK

Karen Rowlett, PhD

"As a product, SciVal is extremely fortunate to have a vibrant, intelligent and engaged customer base. Without you, SciVal would not be the product it is today. You have collaborated with us, tested, presented, critiqued and ultimately helped us shape SciVal into the solution that helps you provide strategic insights, to help your university's research programs thrive. And for that, we are thankful!"

RobbertJan Kalff


RobbertJan Kalff

Elsevier 的 Head of Product, SciVal

A decade of change

As you’ve probably noticed, SciVal does not sit still! We are in the middle of expanding the data and metrics available for analysis, along with the providing even more flexibility — all of which you’ll see in SciVal over the course of 2024 and beyond.

SciVal dashboard from 2014 vs. 2024

We’ve recently moved away from the modular design to a new information architecture 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开, making it easier to navigate and discover functionality in SciVal.

SciVal topic map change over time

The competency maps, which uncovered areas of strength for an institution, were replaced with the Topic maps in 2017. This year, we’re updating Topics with an improved mapping algorithm! 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开

SciVal Benchmarking comparison

It’s also nice to see that some design patterns have grown, expanded and been refined, but not changed drastically since the original designs in 2014. Benchmarking is a good example of this.


In the past 10 years, we've exceeded our expectations with SciVal. We hope we've exceeded yours, too. Take a look at how we've grown in a decade, thanks to your support!

2014 to 2024

SciVal has grown from:

  • 4,600 to 24,600 institutional profiles 

  • 3 modules (Overview, Benchmarking and Collaboration) to 6 modules (added Trends, Grants and Impact) 

  • 75 trillion to 350 trillion metric values processed per week 

  • 18 to 28 years of history 

  • 30 to 140+ metrics

  • 34M to 70M Scopus publications

  • 1 (Scopus publication data) to 6 data types (+ views, policy, media, funding and patent data)

  • SciVal team increased from 15 to 40 members

Changes in SciVal over the last decade

From the team

Over the past 10 years there have been a number of you lovely customers, who have liked SciVal so much that you have become Elsevier colleagues. They have gone on to share their SciVal expertise with peer institutions as Customer Consultants. We asked a few about the transition to celebrate this special milestone.

"A popular early quote from the original product owner Marcel that we used to laugh about, 'Tell me the unknowns!'"

Najam Khan


Najam Khan

Elsevier 的 SciVal Big Data Developer

In our own words

Becoming more user-friendly

Hear from Customer Success Manager Alison Ferrett on how much SciVal has changed over the years, especially how much more "user-friendly and intuitive" it's become.

Alison Ferrett, Customer Success Manager, Elsevier

Tackling legal changes

Hear from Elsevier Advisor Art Ellis on what it was like to work with SciVal to manage scholarly publications, and search for subject matter experts, in the wake of the legalization of cannabis in California.

Art Ellis, Elsevier Advisor

"Two modules were built first. Overview and Benchmarking. Overview was then called SPS, which stood for Strategy and Performance Summary. I’m glad we settled on Overview instead!"

Sreekanth Mopuru


Sreekanth Mopuru

Elsevier 的 SciVal Big Data Developer

Thank you from us

Thank you for everything you’ve done for us over the past 10 years and here’s to the next 10!

—The SciVal Team

The entire SciVal product team

What's next

SciVal is a dynamic product. Over the past 10 years we have averaged over 80 notable release items per year, all to help you with the jobs you need to get done. And we have no plans to slow down!

Just over the horizon we have:

  • Next Gen Topics

  • Media metrics

  • Collaboration improvements

  • More rankings

  • More subject classifications

  • More funding data, and

  • Generative AI

Take advantage of SciVal with strategic insights from your research — discover how SciVal can fit your needs

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