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Step forward: Dr Pablo Soffia Sanchez - Head of the Imaging Department at Clínica Alemana in Santiago, Chile

Dr. Pablo Soffia Sanchez – STATdx - Head of the Imaging Department at Clínica Alemana in Santiago (Chile)


Please describe who you are and your role:

I am the head (Chairman) of the Imaging Department at Clínica Alemana, a 450-bed general hospital in Santiago, Chile. We are a private hospital affiliated with a medical school, so we have radiology residents and fellows in training.

From your point of view, what are the benefits you found in using STATdx in your routine?

From my perspective, the biggest benefits of using STATdx in our daily routine are its near complete replacement of reference books for the radiologists in our department. It is an excellent source of highly valuable information for our daily work, both for our staff physicians and our residents.

Having STATdx integrated into our diagnostic workstations allows us to make real-time queries as needed throughout the day. We use it to solve challenging cases, for continuous education, for resident training, and for preparing presentations.

How do you use STATdx in your daily workflow?

We have STATdx integrated into our diagnostic workstations, and most radiologists use it during their workday as they review radiological cases. Residents also use it to prepare and review topics and presentations. Staff radiologists use the tool for teaching purposes.

Please describe how you use STATdx when dealing with cases, and how the tool supports you.

I believe that STATdx is a valuable tool for radiologists at all levels. It is our preferred reference tool due to its ease of access, the comprehensiveness of its topics, and its up-to date information. Every time we face a complex or unusual case, we turn to STATdx on our diagnostic workstations, and that helps us produce better, more accurate reports with a lower error rate.

Step forward: Dr Pablo Soffia Sanchez - Head of the Imaging Department at Clínica Alemana in Santiago, Chile

Step forward: Dr Pablo Soffia Sanchez - Head of the Imaging Department at Clínica Alemana in Santiago, Chile

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