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Chemical Physics Robin M. Hochstrasser Young Investigator Award

To honor Robin Hochstrasser and to recognize outstanding contributions in Chemical Physics by young investigators, we have initiated the Robin Hochstrasser Young Investigator Award.

The winner will each receive EUR 2,500, a certificate, and a complimentary one-year online subscription to Chemical Physics 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 Journal.

Chemical Physics cover


Professor Robin Hochstrasser was Editor for Chemical Physics for almost 4 decades. In that function, he had an immeasurably positive impact on the journal. Professor Hochstrasser was a pioneer in the application of lasers in chemical and biomedical research and during his long scientific career trained numerous students, many of which became distinguished scientists themselves.


One award will be given each year to honor achievements by investigators in the early stages of their careers. Winner will receive a EUR 2,500 prize, a certificate, and a complimentary one-year online subscription to Chemical Physics. Winner will also receive an invitation to write a Feature article.


Nominees should have published in Chemical Physics, received their PhD less than 10 years ago, and not have a permanent professorship. Self-nominations will not be considered.

Application deadline

20 November 2023. The winner will be announced on 5 December 2023.

Established in 2015