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people in meeting


当今的机构领导者面临着不断变化的挑战。“View from the Top”探讨了学术领导者和资助者面临的复杂问题、他们应对这些问题的准备情况,以及他们为确保机构取得长期成功而制定的策略。

该报告是根据与 Ipsos 合作对 100 多位全球高级领导者的采访编写而成的,提供了对当前优先事项以及预计在未来几年将构成更重大挑战的优先事项的见解,例如 AI 治理和气候变化。


Satellite dish pointing upward


Group of people having a discussion around the table

Plan your path to impact — with pace and purpose

Gain a 360 understanding of your institution's strengths, weaknesses, threats, and, most critically, opportunities for impact. Draw from the broadest possible evidence base to set a clear strategic direction, and develop a vision that unites, excites and keeps everyone moving toward the same goal.

Find out more

woman looking at climbing wall

增加资金和专业知识 – 提升您的机构绩效

发现最适合的合作者并与之建立联系,从而实现建立高成就团队所需的创新合作伙伴关系和异花授粉。确定和寻找解决能力和能力差距所需的人才,并成功获得更高质量和数量的资金 - 加快您的“影响时间”。


A plant seedling on hand

Remove friction from your operations — implementing better processes that drive better outcomes

Streamline and automate workflows related to faculty and research management; saving time, effort and resource. Gain a birds' eye view of expertise and faculty activity to optimize resource allocation, and effectively, and equitably, manage faculty and talent — from hire to retire.

Find out more

rowing team aerial view

Put your institution’s best foot forward, every day — raising your academic reputation

Enable impactful narratives to be crafted, showcased and discovered, and gain the intel and insights required to understand and boost your institutional reputation and rankings. Evaluate the bibliometric and real-world impact of research, attracting best-fit opportunities and creating virtuous cycles of success.

Find out more

two climbers reaching summit